Why You Should Consider Upgrading to an LED Traffic Light
You’re doing it wrong if you’re still using traffic signal controller or led traffic light with incandescent bulbs. If you want to keep your traffic flow moving in the right direction, it’s time to upgrade to LED traffic lights and LED traffic signal controller. Not only are led traffic lights more efficient than traditional bulbs and mercury-vapor lamps, but they’re also easier on the eyes, produce less glare, and stay longer without dimming. What Are the Benefits of Upgrading to LED Traffic Lights? When upgrading to LED traffic lights, drivers can expect various benefits. Here are eight key reasons why upgrading to LED traffic lights is a good investment: 1. Reduced Energy Consumption LEDs use 80–90% less energy than traditional traffic lights, making them environmentally friendly. 2. Longer Life LEDs have a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours, compared to 10,000 hours for traditional traffic lights. It means they will last longer and require less maintenance. 3. Improved Visibility...